New RPG setting

I'm working on a new setting for an RPG.  Here are some basic ideas and the beginning of a rough sketch of whats going on in the world.

-Two worlds in the same solar system.  One is classic fantasy with a dependence on magic, the other is a technologically advanced planet.  The power players or gods of these realms made sure that the two planets never interacted with one another.

-The advanced world is completely destroyed, but not before thousands of refugees of all kinds and species get off the planet.  The leaders are all given the coordinates to the fantasy realm in the final days of the planet.

-The trip from one planet to another, takes awhile, so some time has passed.  Now the fantasy world has to deal with an influx of people and strange technology.

-The advanced technology doesn't have the same materials on the fantasy planet to run them, so alot of the systems and technology just doesn't work or breaks down.  Some of the people from the sci-fi planet kept going into the solar system.