Short and Pointless Movie Review: The Girl on the Train (2016)

(I didn't read the book, but I sold a lot of copies of it at my job over the years.)

This film's story is mostly from the perspective of an unreliable main character.  Emily Blunt plays a drunk, amnesiac and she is very hard to like in this movie.  It is rife with plot devices and twists that are incredibly prevalent in many of the best and the worst novels or films that sell more than they have any right to.  It's great seeing Justin Theroux (aka Master Codebreaker) playing a silly villain, but overall this movie is a dark and blurry mess.  It plays too much with the mixed unreliable memories of Emily Blunt's character and it moves at a pace that screams that it came from a novel.  Oh, and it has one of those incredibly well placed rocks that sticks out from the forest floor, right next to a root, and perfect for a character that is gonna trip and then get murdered.  Don't float, drink, or trip your way through this one.

Five stars.