Campaign Round 1 Final Standings

Ultimate Victory Point Standings:

1st Place: Blood Angels: 4

2nd Place: Adepta Sororitas: 4

3rd Place: Chaos: 4

4th Place: Eldar: 2

NOTES: The Tau were dropped from the Campaign and the Adepta Sororitas and Eldar were each given a win in their match in campaign round 1 that did not take place.

A note on campaign round 2:

Seeding the Tournament Bracket for Round 2 is done by looking at all main and strike wins and losses:

Joe has 3 main wins and 3 strike wins and two combined losses giving him an overall win/loss of 6-2

Ryan has 3 main wins, 1 strike win, and 2 combined losses, giving him an overall win/loss of 4-2

Bill has 3 main wins, 1 strike win, and 3 combines losses, giving him an overall win/loss of 4-3

Anthony has 2 main win, 0 strike wins, and 3 combined losses, giving him an overall win/loss of 2-3

Strike Mission Recap for Campaign Round #1

***Blood Angels (Joe) vs. Emperor’s Children (Bill) — Winner: Blood Angels — Blood Angels get their 1 VP for Campaign Round 1

***Tyranids (Joe as NPC Ally) and Death guard (Bill) vs. Sisters (Ryan) — Winner: Death Guard - Death Guard get their 1 VP for Campaign Round 1

***Sisters (Ryan) and Blood Angels (Joe) vs. Death Guard (Bill) — Winner: Sisters - Sisters get their 1 VP for Campaign Round 1

***Eldar (Anthony) vs. Blood Angels (Joe) — Winner: Blood Angels — Eldar fail to secure their 1 VP

Battle Report - Campaign Round 1 - Combat Patrol - Blood Angels vs. Adepta Sororitas

Message Intercepted from the Servo Skull of the Holy Lord Governor:

“…you must stop those meddling girls from taking control of the cities defense forces. They killed the Captain of the Guard in cold blood when he refused to follow their orders. Their actions prove they are going after control of the city. The Space Wolves and the remaining Guard forces won’t step in and prevent this attempted usurping. The Adepta Sororitas have abandoned the Lord Emperor and they worship their own false idols. Get them out of the outskirts of town before they put the whole defense of this city is in jeopardy.”

Winner: DRAW!!!!

Ultimate Victory Point Standings:

Chaos: 3

Blood Angels: 3

Adepta Sororitas: 2

Eldar: 1

Tau: 0

Battle Report - Campaign Round 1 - Combat Patrol - Eldar vs. Adepta Sororitas

Partial Message intercepted from Scout Patrol Xerxes of the Space Wolves:

“We took heavy losses from an Eldar patrol that came out of nowhere, and this time the Sisters came to our aid and helped immensely. They saved the lives of three of my wolf brothers. We owe them and Lord Krom agrees. We will be sending three patrols to help the Sisters hold their part of the wastes on the outskirts of the city.”

Winner: Adepta Sororitas

Ultimate Victory Point Standings:

Blood Angels: 2

Eldar: 1

Tau: 0

Chaos: 2

Adepta Sororitas: 1

Battle Report - Campaign Round 1 - Combat Patrol - Death Guard vs. Blood Angels

Partial Message intercepted from Scout Patrol Xerxes of the Space Wolves:

“Those blood sucking bastards in the Blood Angels refused help from the Wolves and they got what is coming to them. We had two squads of Grey Hunters in a FrostFang Gunship ready to assist and the Blood Angels refused. Poor Bastards almost had the Death Guard, but they retreated soon after the battle ended. Me and the rest of the boys provided covering fire. We didn’t get a thank you or even a nod”

Winner: Death Guard

Ultimate Victory Point Standings:

Blood Angels: 1

Eldar: 1

Tau: 0

Chaos: 2

Adepta Sororitas: 0

Battle Report - Campaign Round 1 - Combat Patrol - Death Guard vs. Adepta Sororitas

Partial Message intercepted from Scout Patrol Xerxes of the Space Wolves:

“The Sisters looked like they may have tried to intervene too soon in the business of the Plague Marines on the outskirts of town. The Sisters were routed after a brief skirmish. Space Wolf Patrol Xerxes will recommend to Wold Lord Krom that a response force needs to be readied against Chaos forces attacking our allies in the future. Our Scout Patrol is only five strong and our forces are too far out to have made an impact. We did provide medical support to the injured Sisters after the battle.”

Winner: Death Guard

Ultimate Victory Point Standings:

Blood Angels: 1

Eldar: 1

Tau: 0

Chaos: 1

Adepta Sororitas: 0

Battle Report - Campaign Round 1 - Combat Patrol - Eldar vs. Death Guard (Chaos)

Partial Message intercepted from Scout Patrol Xerxes of the Space Wolves:

“Eldar and Death Guard forces were spotted in the Western Dregs fighting over what appeared to be worthless scrap. The battles was handily won by the Eldar and the Death Guard Marines could be seen retreated into the drainage ditches and back underground”

Winner: Eldar

Ultimate Victory Point Standings:

Blood Angels: 1

Eldar: 1

Tau: 0

Chaos: 0

Adepta Sororitas: 0

Battle Report - Campaign Round 1 - Combat Patrol - Blood Angels vs. Eldar

Mission: 500pt Crusade Mission Supply Drop

Since the Blood Angels arrived on Verghast to help the beleagured Imperial citizens, they have seen little open resistance within the city of Macrohive. They set up base in one of the old manufacturing districts that is too damaged and still too radioactive for the human population. The city of Macrohive is built on top of the ruins of the city of Vanickhive, that was razed over 200 years prior by the forces of chaos. The forces that have come to help defend Verghast and its people have set up forward operating bases in some of the abandoned ‘quarantined off’ areas that aren’t frequented by the active populace.

During a routine Supply pickup operation near their forward operating base, a patrol of Blood Angels encountered a hostile eldar patrol that was looking for something amidst the many abandoned factories and ruined structures.

After a quick and decisive battle, the Blood Angels managed to drive away the Eldar, who slipped back through the webway to safety, most likely to their orbiting cruiser.

Winner: Blood Angels

Ultimate Victory Point Standings:

Blood Angels: 1

Eldar: 0

Tau: 0

Chaos: 0

Adepta Sororitas: 0

Basic Verghast Campaign Story Introduction

The Campaign takes place in 999.M41 on the Imperial planet of Verghast as it is beseiged by multiple Xenos and Chaos forces.

Verghast is an Imperial Hive World in the Sabbat Worlds Sector in the Segmentum Pacificus. In 768.M41 the Hive cities of Vanickhive and Vervunhive were almost completely destroyed by the forces of Chaos, led by Magister Heritor Asphodel. Asphodel was slain by the Astra Militarum Hero Ibram Gaunt in the late stages of the war and soon the leaderless army of the millions of Chaos cultists were eventually overrun and destroyed by an overwhelming wave of Imperial reinforcements.

Before leaving the planet, the Warmaster of the Imperial forces ordered the construction of new hive cities to replace Vanickhive and Vervunhive.

231 years have passed since the rebuilding began and the planet has once again become a thriving Imperial Metropolis. The three thriving hive cities of Macrohive, Viceroyhive, and Vivarihive, cover over half the land mass of the planet. The capital hive city is the sprawling metropolis of Macrohive, named after the Lord Commander of the Imperial forces that once saved them from utter annihilation.

The Campaign takes place inside the near impenetrable defenses of Macrohive as things start to fall apart for the forces of the Imperium.

The Players and Armies at the Beginning:

Sisters of Battle (Ryan): The Adpeta Sororitas have maintained a presence on Verghast ever since the planet was reclaimed in 768.M41. They run a powerful Preceptory of almost 1,000 sisters out of a sprawling Convent compound at near the heart of Macrohive.

Blood Angels (Joe): The Blood Angels aboard the Strike Crusier Draculoth have come to aid of the Imperial citizens upon Verghast and were the first Space Marine Chapter to respond to the call for help sent out by the Imperial Governor in Macrohive.

Chaos (Bill): The forces of Chaos were never really culled entirely from the planet of Verghast and have spent centuries planning and building power in the dark and unknown regions of the planet. In the last month, the Death Guard Battle Barge ‘Reaper’s Scythe’, and the Black Legion Cruiser ‘Black Claw’ appeared in orbit and started pummeling the orbital defense systems and sending scouting parties to the planet’s surface.

Tau (Aaron): The Tau came to this sector decades prior and started a colony on uninhabited planet that they have named ‘Ghostpath’ in the nearby sister Fornax start system. The Tau have responded to the Imperial distress call, but not to help save the Imperial Planet or it’s people, but to keep some control over the many chaotic and consuming forces that might destroy the tau’s chance of starting a successful new colony.

Eldar (Anthony): The purposes for the Eldar are still shrouded in mystery. All that the forces of the Imperium, Chaos, or Tau know is that the Eldar Battleship that the Imperium has named ‘Phoenix’, has appeared in orbit around Verghast just as battles started erupting on the planet’s surface. The Eldar have since sent small strike forces against the forces of Chaos and the Imperium and seem to be looking for something.

Herodor Warhammer 40K Campaign Rules

Campaign Rules v1

This campaign will be a story based campaign that lasts for 5 full campaign rounds.  Each Campaign round will include different challenges as well as a chance for the players to play one another and accrue UVP (Ultimate Victory Points).

Army Selection

Each player may choose one faction and may draw their forces from any codex’s available within that faction.

Crusade Rules and Army Advancement

Within the first Campaign round, each player will nominate and name one non-unique character model as their “supreme commander”.  This model cannot be slain, but may be sidelined due to injuries during the events of the campaign.

There will be a limit on the number of units that you can gain experience with that will be established after the rules for Crusade are released.

Crusade advancement must be agreed upon and shared with the other campaign players after each battle (with a mandatory crusade check-in).  The inclusion of crusade units must be communicated with the opposing player before each battle.

More details will be included here when the Rulebook is released.


The missions that is played for each Main battle and Strike Force Battle should be an Eternal war mission from the Main rulebook.  The mission can either be agreed upon or it can be rolled for.  Alternatively, two players may agree upon any other mission type (Open War, Chapter Approved, etc).

Overview of Campaign Rounds

Each campaign round will include a mandatory campaign event or action, as well as elective extra ‘strike Force’ battles that can be used to gain UVP as well as crusade experience.

Each Campaign round spans the course of 1 month.


Round 1:  Gather Intelligence

Main Battle: 500 point round robin combat patrol – each player plays against every other player, 1 UVP per victory

Strike Force Battle: Up to 1 battle of any size allowed per player, 1 UVP for a victory


Round 2:  Escalation

Main Battle: 1500 pt 5 player double elimination tournament 1st place = 4 UVP, 2nd place = 3 UVP, 3rd place = 2 UVP, 4TH PLACE = 1 UVP, 5TH PLACE = 0VP

Strike Force Battle:  Up to 1 battle of any size allowed per player, 1 UVP for a victory

Round 3:  Besieged From All Sides

Main Battle:  Each player plays two random non-player army battles of 1500pts or more, 2 UVP per victory

Strike Force Battle: Up to 2 battles of any size allowed per player, must be against different players, 1 UVP per victory


Round 4: Apocalypse

Main Battle:  Apocalypse battle (team determined by standings and faction), 3 UVP for each player for a victory, 1 UVP for army that kills the most units (may be more chances to score UVP)

Strike Force Battle:  Up to 2 battles of any size allowed per player, must be against different players, 1 UVP per victory


Round 5:

Main Battle:  2000 point round robin strike force – each player plays against every other player, 2 UVP per victory

Strike Force Battle:  No Strike Force Battles



The missions that is played for each Main battle and Strike Force Battle should be an Eternal war mission from the Main rulebook, (or potentially a Crusade mission).  The mission can either be agreed upon or it can be rolled for.  Alternatively, two players may agree upon any other mission type (Open War, Chapter Approved, etc).


Fighting with Allies:

-A player may temporarily team up with another player for any Main Battle game or Strike force game.  However, they may not team up with any factions that wouldn’t make sense from a story perspective.

Rough guide to teaming up:

-Chaos: cannot team up with Imperium

-Imperium: cannot team up with Chaos

Xenos (various):  Can team up with anything unless specific story restrictions would factor in (Eldar cannot ally with Slaanesh, Farisght Enclave cannot ally with Orks, etc)


Strike Force Battles: 

-Due to player availability and having an odd number of players, players only count their first battle for Crusade advancement, but include all games that they take part in to get UVP.   For example,  If a player participates in 2-3 extra strike force battles and only wins one, they still get 1 UVP.  Losses do not negate UVP earned for wins.

-If a player is asked to play another Strike Force game after they score their first scorable win, they may play any of their “other” armies after they have won their first strike force game.  For example, Bill (Chaos Marines) plays Joe (Tyranids) and Joe wins.  Bill still wants his Strike Force UVP win and no one else to play except for Joe, but Joe would rather play as Tau.  Bill has to play as Chaos Marines.

- “Scheduled Shift” - So that everyone has a chance (or a final chance) to get their Strike Force UVP, everyone must choose a day in the last 2 weeks of the campaign round to be available for a battle.  If time is a constraint, then a 500 pt combat patrol is suggested.  If a player cannot play on their scheduled shift and has already agreed to play someone who has not got their Strike Force UVP, the player who needs their UVP point gets it without having to play that battle. Note: The “Scheduled Shift” rule is intended to prevent players from winning or taking advantage in the campaign by simply withholding the chance to play from other players.

Round 3 Global Event: Supremacy Tournament

The Round 3 Global Event changes the campaign turn in the following ways:

Each Player makes their normal Expansion moves.

Each player skips the Raid phase.

Story missions cannot be triggered, and Expansion moves cannot be made onto Story Hexes.

Expansion moves can be made as normal onto BX hexes.

Supremacy Tournament:

3 adjacent hexes located roughly in the middle of the three players HQs must be selected.

The 2nd and 3rd place players must play off to see who plays the 1st place player. The winner of the final battle takes all three of the hexes.

Campaign Round 2 Summary And Round 3 Map


Imperium 7VP to 16 VP

Tau 7VP to 14 VP

Chaos 5VP to 9 VP


Chaos (Bill): Moved 2 expansion move hexes, moved onto Farsight Enclave Story Battle and lost the battle, raided a BX hex, discovered Power Station, began building a Stronghold. Secured 4 VP.

Imperium (Tony): Move two expansion moves onto a Story Hex and a BX hex, Story was continuation of Caves of Muthordain Story Line, won the battle, the BX Hex was an airstrip, Raided a Story Hex discovered the Sisters of Silence, won the battle with them. Secured 9 VP.

Tau (Joe): Moved two expansion moves onto a Story Hex, discovered Chaos Knight Story Hex and lost, made bonus Expansion move from Stronghold and discovered and airstrip, Raided a BX Hex, discovered an Allied Fortress. Secured 7 VP.

*The Players did not play any striaght-up PvP battles in round two, and only played PvNP Story Battles with allies.

Campaign Map 3 image.png

Battle Report - Campaign Round 2 Story Mission: Space Marine Black Templar (Tony) and Tau Farsight Enclave (Joe) vs. Chaos Daemons (NP) (Bill)

Mission: Story (2500 pts)

Quick Recap:

Caves of Muthordian Part 2: The Black Templars explored depper into the caves, coming upon a massive “room” in the cave that was used hundreds of years prior for an imperial mining operation. Sitting at the far end of the cave was a Daemonic Nurgle Tree that had infested a grove of glowing crystal trees and seemed to be sapping energy from them.

The Black Templars also came into the cave just as a small Tau force was attempting to pull out of the cave. The heroic Space Marines released some Sisters of Silence that had been captured and the Sisters joined the fray, marching up the flank with swords and flamers.

The Black Templars made it half way to the the infestec grove, when A Farsight Enclave rescue team emerged from a mining tunnel and joined in the fray. The battle was vicious and many marines were killed by the daemon engines, but the Tau and Black Templars were victorious. The Crystal Grove would have to be researched heavily.

Winner: Space Marines

Battle Report - Campaign Round 2 Story Mission: Tau (Joe) and Space Marines (Tony) vs. Chaos Knights (NP) (Bill)

Secure and Control Mission (2000 pts)

The forces of the Tau went North to explore the wilds and abandoned cities near their forward operating base. They soon came upon a stronghold of Chaos Knights that allied themselves with the remnants of some Emperor’s Children Chaos Space Marines.

At first the tau hesitated, thinking it may be best to offer these rogue Chaos forces passage and even use of an empty Fortress that the Tau had discovered. However, that possibility was soon quashed when the tau were hailed by an exploring band of Space Marines. The Marines offered simple cease fire and truce if they could join forces with the Tau to obliterate the forces of Chaos together.

Unfortunately, the Tau and Space Marines found themselves quickly out of their depth, as a Knight Despoiler and it’s four War Dog Knights quickly fell upon them with withering fire. The Knights all worshiped heartily to the infernal powers and boosted their guns with an unholy force not seen by many that have lived to tell the tale.

The tau lost their HQ Hammerhead gunship to an infernal Avenger Gatling Cannon, but not before the Commander bailed out to safety, and their Riptide and Broadsides soon followed. The Chaos cultists and Noise Marines mostly watched and cheered as the sinister knights made quick work of both armies.

The Space Marines fared better, but when the Knight ran out of long range tau guns to destroy, they tunred their firepower on the Adeptus Astartes Infantry and killed a dozen marines before the shattered remnants of the Tau and Space Marines conceded and fled the field of battle.