Basic Verghast Campaign Story Introduction

The Campaign takes place in 999.M41 on the Imperial planet of Verghast as it is beseiged by multiple Xenos and Chaos forces.

Verghast is an Imperial Hive World in the Sabbat Worlds Sector in the Segmentum Pacificus. In 768.M41 the Hive cities of Vanickhive and Vervunhive were almost completely destroyed by the forces of Chaos, led by Magister Heritor Asphodel. Asphodel was slain by the Astra Militarum Hero Ibram Gaunt in the late stages of the war and soon the leaderless army of the millions of Chaos cultists were eventually overrun and destroyed by an overwhelming wave of Imperial reinforcements.

Before leaving the planet, the Warmaster of the Imperial forces ordered the construction of new hive cities to replace Vanickhive and Vervunhive.

231 years have passed since the rebuilding began and the planet has once again become a thriving Imperial Metropolis. The three thriving hive cities of Macrohive, Viceroyhive, and Vivarihive, cover over half the land mass of the planet. The capital hive city is the sprawling metropolis of Macrohive, named after the Lord Commander of the Imperial forces that once saved them from utter annihilation.

The Campaign takes place inside the near impenetrable defenses of Macrohive as things start to fall apart for the forces of the Imperium.

The Players and Armies at the Beginning:

Sisters of Battle (Ryan): The Adpeta Sororitas have maintained a presence on Verghast ever since the planet was reclaimed in 768.M41. They run a powerful Preceptory of almost 1,000 sisters out of a sprawling Convent compound at near the heart of Macrohive.

Blood Angels (Joe): The Blood Angels aboard the Strike Crusier Draculoth have come to aid of the Imperial citizens upon Verghast and were the first Space Marine Chapter to respond to the call for help sent out by the Imperial Governor in Macrohive.

Chaos (Bill): The forces of Chaos were never really culled entirely from the planet of Verghast and have spent centuries planning and building power in the dark and unknown regions of the planet. In the last month, the Death Guard Battle Barge ‘Reaper’s Scythe’, and the Black Legion Cruiser ‘Black Claw’ appeared in orbit and started pummeling the orbital defense systems and sending scouting parties to the planet’s surface.

Tau (Aaron): The Tau came to this sector decades prior and started a colony on uninhabited planet that they have named ‘Ghostpath’ in the nearby sister Fornax start system. The Tau have responded to the Imperial distress call, but not to help save the Imperial Planet or it’s people, but to keep some control over the many chaotic and consuming forces that might destroy the tau’s chance of starting a successful new colony.

Eldar (Anthony): The purposes for the Eldar are still shrouded in mystery. All that the forces of the Imperium, Chaos, or Tau know is that the Eldar Battleship that the Imperium has named ‘Phoenix’, has appeared in orbit around Verghast just as battles started erupting on the planet’s surface. The Eldar have since sent small strike forces against the forces of Chaos and the Imperium and seem to be looking for something.