Battle Report - Campaign Round 1 - Combat Patrol - Death Guard vs. Adepta Sororitas

Partial Message intercepted from Scout Patrol Xerxes of the Space Wolves:

“The Sisters looked like they may have tried to intervene too soon in the business of the Plague Marines on the outskirts of town. The Sisters were routed after a brief skirmish. Space Wolf Patrol Xerxes will recommend to Wold Lord Krom that a response force needs to be readied against Chaos forces attacking our allies in the future. Our Scout Patrol is only five strong and our forces are too far out to have made an impact. We did provide medical support to the injured Sisters after the battle.”

Winner: Death Guard

Ultimate Victory Point Standings:

Blood Angels: 1

Eldar: 1

Tau: 0

Chaos: 1

Adepta Sororitas: 0