August 18, 2016 – Canton, OH -- Pallbearer

Venue:  The Auricle

This show boasts a very important distinction from my other shows, because it is one of only a handful that took place in Canton, OH.

Most shows in Canton that I have attended (and I have attended dozens), I consider too small or insignificant to list on here.

This was an impromptu show put on by my brother Joe's high school friends.  The guitarist for Doom Metal band pallbearer went to high school in Arkansas with Joe.

Joe only lived in Arkansas for a few years, so it is very cool and very weird that he managed to make friends with a relatively notable recording artist like Pallbearer.

Pallbearer was asked to bring their equipment down into the Auricle and play a set that they weren't planning on playing.  They didn't play any actual songs, instead just jamming and making some interesting soundscapes.  There weren't more than 15 people in the venue and the bands sound guy played with them on stage.  It was cool to watch.

They would play Cleveland the next night and a bunch of us would go and see them at the House of Blues.

Life is weird and small.