September 17, 2018 -- Columbus, OH -- Interpol, Sunflower Bean

Venue: Express Live (Indoor)

I went to this show with my girlfriend Whitney, as well as the usual concert group of Joe and Chuck.

We arrived a little late and missed most of Sunflower Bean, which was a bummer, since I like them alot.

Interpol was great, but the sound was a little muddy and the floor was just crowded enough to be kind of uncomfortable.

Earlier in the tour they were playing my favorite interpol song ‘Mammoth’, but unfortunately, they didn’t play it here.

The last couple of Interpol albums have been pretty decent, but I haven’t really listened to them enough to recognize all of the new songs easily. This new album ‘Marauder’ is a little “samey” and I had trouble differentiating the songs from one another.

Still a good show, just not my favorite Interpol show.