August 11, 2010 – Cleveland, OH – Analog Rebellion, River City Extension, The Manhattan Scene

Venue: The Grog Shop

This was a show that I went to because my girlfriend at the time, Alexa, was really into Analog Rebellion. She liked them alot when the dude from Analog rebellion went by the name PlayRadioPlay!, and I think he had changed his band name shortly before we saw him at this show.

I don’t remember many of the details of the show, except that River City Extension was good and their sound mix was great. They were a folksy rock act that were fairly upbeat and featured a violin and horns maybe? They had 8 to 10 instruments up there and you could hear them all mixed well and differentiated.

I then remember that Analog Rebellion sound mix was the usual Grog Shop muddy bullshit, where you couldn’t make out anything that was being sung and some of the instruments were drowned out by others.

Another example of shitty Grog Shop sound.