Excerpt #1

Weran had never felt such deep and extreme cold.

It felt as if the world had come off it’s axis, and turning away from the sun, had settled facing as far away from the warmth and the light as possible.

Weran felt as if he was the one was weighing it down.

He wished that he would be allowed to fall off of it entirely, and let the dark and the cold take him, but he was still clinging on to a last spark of life and warmth.

His heart pounded slowly, and his blood moved like an ice flow as he looked out across the common room of his childhood home.

He never would have thought that he would die here.  In fact, he never once thought he would ever see this place again.

It was a small miracle that this small mountainside cabin wasn’t swept away in an avalanche, decades ago, yet here he was.

He lifted his head and that was enough to get the blood pumping in his limbs and organs and make his head start pounding and his stomach start aching for food.

His gaze rested on a large picture window across the common room.

Snow and ice outside the cabin completely covered the window on the outside, with just a faint gray glow coming from the very top of the large window.

The pitiful gray glow was what was left of sunshine and the most of it he had seen in days.

Was it morning?  Was it evening?  He did not know, and he had no one and no god, either above or below, to ask or ponder it with.  Not anymore.

His gaze rested solely on that gray glow as he wished he could somehow melt the ice and snow with his stare.

He wished for a lot of things these days. 

Mostly, he just wished for release.