October 07, 2015 – Columbus, OH – Chvrches, Mansionair

Venue:  Promowest Pavilion (Indoor)

I am a fan of alternative rock and Chvrches are a light, poppy, dancy alternative band out of Scotland that I dig quite a bit.

This was the first time that I saw them, and it was in a packed Indoor Promowest Pavilion on a cool fall day.

I went to this concert alone, because I hadn't seen them and wanted to.  I managed to deal with the hot and uncomfortable  pit  for only so long, before I moved into the back of the crowd and got into a good position to escape and get to my car during the last song.

Chvrches put on a good show.

I am not convinced that the two guys on the keyboards and ipads do much of anything.

Also, the one guy always has a big stupid ball cap on and looks a little silly.

The sound at the venue that night was a muddy enough that I couldn't understand a word that the small fairy-like lead singer was saying.  I gathered that it was her birthday and that she was happy to be there.  Her thick Scottish accent and fast speaking combined with the muddy mix to leave the whole crowd standing there with no reaction as she told entire stories.

There wasn't a laugh or a genuine reaction, because no one could understand her.

Just the occasional "whoo!" that comes from nowhere and nothing.