A Complete Update:

Had an alarm set for 8am to get up and get stuff done. The alarm went off, I woke up turned it off, and fell back asleep for two and a half hours.

I had a bad dream where I was driving my family around at night on an unfamiliar highway. It was raining and the lights were blinding, so I couldn't see anything. I got off at the wrong exit and starting yelling at Joe, because he was trying to tell me that it was the wrong exit, but I was well aware.

I got out of bed around 10:45 and felt dehydrated and hungry. I drank an entire bottle of water and ate about a quarter of a sleeve of Ritz crackers while I made myself some oatmeal.

Sitting down at my computer with my oatmeal, I looked in the hallway to see that my cat was eating some toilet paper that she pulled from the trash can. I yelled at her and she dropped it and went downstairs.

I then decided to waste everyone's time by posting this long, pointless update...