July 25, 2009 – Columbus, OH – The Dead Weather, Screaming Females

Venue:  LC Pavilion (Indoor)

The Dead Weather do not tour often, despite the fact that they have come out with a number of albums over the years.  I've read that Jack White and Alison Mosshart and the rest of the band are busy people who don't always make time to tour.

In 2009, they were new and only had one awesome album out, which my girlfriend and I listened to repeatedly that spring and summer.

This was actually the first concert that I attended with my girlfriend at the time.  It was a great show.  Jack White is a beast behind the drums.  Alison is a great front woman.

I love catching a headlining band when they only have one record, because you will undoubetedly hear pretty much every song that they have.  The completionist is me walks away from those shows feeling like I didn't miss anything.

As an artist releases more and more music, you end up getting a setlist that's more and more watered down.  Five albums in, you hear five songs off the new record, a few off the ones inbetween the new one and the popular one, and a bunch of songs off the popular one.  You end up never hearing half of the new album, and many forgotten songs off the previously released albums.  One of the reasons I love Pearl Jam so much is that they aren't afraid to play a lot of different songs.