Battle Report - Campaign Round 1 Story Mission: Tau (Joe) vs. Orks (NP) (Bill)

Savage Ork Ambush (500 pts)

The forces of the Tau, led by Cadre Fireblade (-) easily cleared the areas around their forward operating base of the mutant rabble and Orks, but they explored too far into the wilds and were ambushed by a savage Ork warband.

Quickly falling back to some ruins and walls in the middle of a field, the Tau hunker down and prepared to accept the charge of brutal Ork clan that was looking for more pieces of scrap for their weapons and vehicles.

The Cadre immiately called for backup, knowing that nearby were only small patrol forces, and quickly got a response that reinforcements would arrive within 10 minutes. Could they hold out until help arrived?

It turns out they could, and they wiped out the charging Orks before the reinforcements could arrive. Cadre called off the reinforcents and then killed a mob of 30 ork boyz that emerged from the tall grass, ready to avenge their brothers.

As the Warboss died from Smart Missile fire, the Tau almost felt sorry for how easily the Orks were dispatched with such precision and speed.

They never stood a chance.