Battle Report - Campaign Round 1 Story Mission: Black Templar (Tony) vs. Servants of Chaos (NP) (Bill)

The Caves of Muthordian Part 1:

The Black Templar, with their inquisitorial allies in the elite Justicari Illumanti, began to branch out and explore the wilds of Culdor almost immediately upon landing and setting up a forward operating base on the planet of Culdor.

Both Justicari Illuminati librarian Cassiel Ghostcleaver and Primaris Black Templar Chaplain gabriel Titus were present as the the brave Imperium forces made their way south from their base and, as it turned out, directly into the clutches of a Chaos Cult.

The cult rabble consisted of traitor guardsmen, cultists, and the remnants of a Word Bearers Legion that had been reportedly wiped out decades earlier.

The forces met in a canyon leading into a cave. Librarian Ghostcleaver could sense foul energies and magics deep within the cave and convinced the small Patrol forces to clear them out and see what vile menace was hiding within.

Early in the battle the Word Bearers led the charge with a Daemon Prince and Psykers that met their fate swiftly. A foul Helbrute, screaming in torment from the mouth of the cave, let loose and in two rounds of frie took down a Primaris Dreadnought.

After sustaining some heavy loses early in the skirmish, the forces of the Imperium wiped out the cultists, as the last of them fled into the depths of cave.

Cassiel Ghostcleaver then commanded a small retinue of Primaris units to watch over the cave entrance and prepare for future spelunking missions.