Early Admittance

He was the only one in line.

The panel was starting in 20 minutes and he was the only one that showed up.

As it all dawned on him and he started to notice what was going on around him, he saw that the door to Hall C was actually wide open and there wasn’t anyone at the door.

He waited another few minutes then he slowly walked in and walked all the way to the front of that hall and sat down.

Roughly 500 people could probably fit in Hall C. He was the only one.

Minutes went by and the panel was about to begin, and still no one was in the Hall with him.

Was he in the right place?

Did he have the right time?

The right day?

As he sat there and it now was only three minutes until the panel started, he began to panic.

Was he dreaming?

Was he dead? Was this the afterlife?

Two minutes.

His cold palms were sweating and he let out a nervous burp.

Back and forth he went regretting even coming here. They did this all for just him? They will cancel when they come out.

Will they even come out?

One minute.

Shouldn’t someone come out and let him know what’s going on?

He suddenly yelled an awkward “Hello,” and his voice cracked.

He was still alone. Always alone. Maybe dead.

Oh god, what a wasted this had all been. The whole thing. No one cares about it. Just him?

Well fuck.

It’s time.

Just now.

The panel is starting.

Here it goes.