AGES Part 0.1

Sir Addison Tazewell died seven times on his way up the mountain.

At the moment his heart would beat no longer a blast of lightning would shoot down through the blizzard and bring him back. The lightning wouldn’t strike him, but the amulet he wore around his neck, and with each strike a searing pain would rush through him greater than only the last time his soul was brought back by the last lightning blast.

He died four times from falls, once from the cold, and once he decided to take his own life and start over after being trapped in a ravine and too tired to climb out. The magical blast of lightning filled the amulet wearer with a burst of energy upon being resurrected.

Standing on a rocky plateau and almost at the road he was climbing for, he was relieved to think that it had been almost three days since the last time he had to be brought back. Grabbing his amulet with a gloved hand, he noticed cracks in it that weren’t in it days before. The amulet wasn’t going to hold up much longer and he needed to be more careful.

Climbing fast and recklessly up one of the largest mountains on the continent was not something that Addison would usually do, but he had a purpose beyond himself. He needed to get to his wife and child on the other side of the mountain before the storm and starvation took them.