June 03, 2016 – Cincinnati, OH – Bunbury Festival (Day 1)

Lineup: – The Killers, Mudcrutch, Haim, Charles Bradley and His Extraordinaires, The Wombats, The Mowgli’s, The Shelters

Venue: Sawyer Point and Yeatman’s Cove

This was one of my favorite single days of any of the festivals I have been to. My friend Chuck and I made it a 2 day, 2 festival trip by going to the Nelsonville Music festival the day prior, and then driving from Athens to Cincinnati over night.

The Killers were great, but Haim and Charles Bradley were amazing. Of the 2-3 times I have seen them, this was their best performance. During this performance, I don’t believe Charles Bradley was sick, as he was when I saw him at the Forecastle Festival.

This was also the one and only time I got to see Tom Petty, as he was fronting Mudcrutch. Chuck and I stood far in the back of the crowd and caught a few songs, but sadly we were not Mudcrutch fans.

The Killers played the WKRP in Cincinnati theme song as well as an Interpol cover. That field was extremely crowded and Chuck and I huddled over off to the side.

The Wombats were great. The Mowgli’s were super positive and annoying. They have a song with the lyrics ““it’s whatever forever, it keeps getting better.” They then repeat this over and over. They are like if the Mickey Mouse Club stayed together into their 20s and 30s and kept treating adults like they were children. I found them extremely annoying.

Despite the Mowgli’s, I found the entire day to be great.