
My dad is sick again.

Well, technically he has always been sick.  He has a seizure condition, but it's been under control for the last five years or so.

His doctor put him on a new medicine and it isn't working. 

I wanted to go to an Indians game on my vacation, and so i bought five tickets and my dad and some friends went and I had to leave in the third inning because he was not doing well.  He got very cold and couldn't walk.

I can't help but feel some anger and resentment.  He didn't eat anything that day before the game.  we all blamed his diabetes, but then he tells me two days later about the new medicine.  His issues at the ballgame had little or nothing to do with his diabetes.

He has not taken care of himself and he has lied and hid things from me before and it always ends up leading to him having a massive seizure in the bathroom in the middle of the night.  He broke the back of the toilet one time and flooded the bathroom with a seizure.

The next day on my vacation I had an endoscope done and couldn't go anywhere for awhile.  This is turning out to be a weird vacation and I'm just tired and sad.

I have a Slayer concert to go to tonight.  I am not a big Slayer fan or metal fan, but the tickets were very cheap and alot of people I know are going.

Here's to distractions and nice June nights.

Here's to waiting and hoping for something else.