January 03, 2009 – Cleveland, OH – The Sounds of Seattle Tour – Ten, Hungerstrike, Badmotorfinger, Nevermind

Venue: House of Blues

I wouldn't normally list a all cover bands show on here, but this one is important to me for a few reasons:

1.)  It was my first time seeing professional cover bands.  I always wanted to know just how good or sad they could be.

2.)  I won these free tickets from a radio station call-in!

3.) After the end of my first long term relationship I was down about a lot of shit in my life and this show meant a lot to me.  I think my friend Giselle went with me. 

We had a good time.

The show was fine.  The band's performed well enough, and it wasn't that sad. 

It was pretty weird to see a Temple of the Dog specific cover band, but I guess you have to take advantage of having both a fake Chris Cornell and a fake Eddie Vedder.

The saddest part was the singer for the Nirvana cover band wearing his best awful Kurt Cobain outfit.  He even had the long hair in front of his face, like from some of the videos.