June 24, 2011 -- Detroit, MI -- Matt & Kim, The Hood Internet

Venue:  The Majestic Theatre

I attended this show as part of a trip to Detroit to see Eddie Vedder solo at the Fox Theater.  I went on this little 2-3 day trip with my girlfriend at the time.  She was a big fan of Matt & Kim and I enjoyed them live, despite never really listening to them on my own time.

I think Matt & Kim are better at festivals than at theaters.  I think they just feel like the right music to listen to on a sunny summer day, and not so much what I want to see in a dark room.

This was one of many times that I saw Matt & Kim, and I remember it being one of the tightest of their performances.  They sometimes have a tendency to play a lot of covers, partial songs, and just kind of goof around.  I much prefer when they actually just play their songs and don't try to be a shallow party band.  They actually have some well written songs and they should showcase them more often.

A few recollections from the show include:

-A short blond haired girl behind me kept tapping me on the shoulder and yelling at me to dance.  She was mad that I wasn't moving around enough.  I did not dance.  I do not dance.

-This theater is beat up.  I have a most likely exasgerrated memory of shreds of wallpaper or wall-covering hanging off the ceiling and walls.  The place was rough.