December 1st on December 2nd: Looking ahead!

I didn’t want to immediately fail my pledge, so this will count as my December 1st post.

I have a lot to look forward to in December, so this will be a list of all the positive things that will be happening. Hopefully I can refer back to this post to remind myself when things get rough at work.

-My brother Joe’s birthday!: We are having a nice birthday dinner at ‘91’. I am already looking forward to the BBQ chicken pizza. I got him a few nice things for his birthday. He has been having a rough time the last few weeks, and I am looking forward to making the next week or two happy and special for him.

-Concerts!: Thom Yorke, Parquet Courts, and Death Cab For Cutie!

-Christmas presents!: For others and myself! I went overboard again with the presents and got Whitney too much stuff. I am also looking forward to being surprised by some gifts and I am going to try hard to not get bummed out by what i get.

-Family Christmas Party!: Another huge get-together with my family. Whitney and I have the whole day off and I am planning on having a great time.

-Board Games!: No one knows it yet, but I am going to force my friends and family to play games with me. It will happen!

-Smash Bros for Switch!: Something to use my amiibo with! Also looking forward to using my new grip and possibly some switch skins to change the color of my stuff.

-Reading Books and Comics!: I’m behind on my comics, but I have a bunch of good series to catch up on.

-Writing more!: I am doing it right now. Starting out simple and hopefully ramping up to some fiction, poetry, concert reviews, etc.
