June 18, 2008 - Cleveland, OH – The Cure, 65 Days of Static

Venue:  CSU Convocation Center

I saw The Cure with my girlfriend-at-the-time Megan.  She was a bigger fan than I was, but I had a decent grasp on their catalog.  They were touring their album '4:13 Dream', which they had released in 2-3 song EPs.  I had purchased all of the EPs that made up the songs on the album in an effort to get ready for the show.

They played for over three hours and played songs well beyond the scope of what the two of us knew.  It was an extremely well executed show and one where we had great seats, right up on the side up from the stage.

They played my favorite Cure song, 'A Forest' as part of the first encore and then closed out with the excellent pairing of '10:15 Saturday Night' and 'Killing an Arab' at the very end.

All together a fantastic show and one that I still tell people about.