October 25, 2008 - Cleveland, OH - Matthew Sweet

Venue:  Beachland Ballroom

Another concert I don't remember a whole hell of a lot from, because I was not familiar with Matthew Sweet's music.  I'm still not familiar with his music, but I do remember that it was a pretty good show.  I've heard him on satellite radio a couple of times in the last year and I actually remember some of the songs.

His song 'Girlfriend' is good pop rock garbage, and the video is wonderful.  In the video (from 1991) his translucent head is floating in front of some anime of people fighting and dancing.  It's really stupid, you should watch it.

This was yet another concert I attended because my girlfriend Megan was a fan.  At the time of this concert we were no longer together and just trying to be friends.  We would go to one or two more concert after this one, as friends, and then I would mess that up by being a possessive weirdo and not letting it go that she was already dating someone else.

That's a story for another blog post, but this concert just stands as a rare example of me actually making friendship work with an ex.  It was good for a minute. 

People move on and you eventually become the dumb asshole of the situation.

That's life sometimes.