December 08, 2007 - Cleveland, OH - Silverchair

Venue:  House of Blues

Seats in the balcony at the house of blues.

I have never been very into Silverchair, but my girlfriend Megan was and they were good at Lollapalooza four months earlier, so we decided to see them again.

If I am not familiar with a bands music, I tend to remember very little of what actually occured at their concert, and this is one of those cases.

You would think that they would play their songs that made them big in the nineties, but they actually didn't play Tomorrow at this show or many other shows around this time. 

Avoiding the old songs, because you're not that band anymore, and instead, playing your new stuff is the coolest, most accepted and universally loved thing that a band can do, so I'm sure no one had an issue with it.  As I stated, I didn't really care, because I've never been a fan, but it still makes me think.

People blatantly avoiding their past success and trying to recreate themselves anew is something that has always been fascinating to me.  Their motive and reasoning is always a curious thing, and I always wonder if they are doing it for the right reasons.  Do they owe the old hits to their fans?  Do they care?

I don 't think that Silverchair tour, or even exist as a band anymore, and I heard that the lead singer divorced Natalie Imbruglia recently.  I've had a crush on her since the Torn video.

I looked it up.  Imbruglia has played Torn at almost every god damn show for the last 20 years or so.  I wonder if she's happy with that?  I'm guessing her fans are.