September 03, 2002 - Cleveland, OH - Dream Theater, King's X

Venue:  Tower City Amphitheater

This concert in Cleveland was the sixth concert I had been to, and the second time I had seen Dream theater.  I am pretty sure that this show was just me and my friend Nick, but one of our friends might have been there.

I remember that we had decent seats, maybe twenty rows back, and the show was as solid of a set as Dream Theater always played.  King's X opened for Dream Theater, and I remember digging their set as well.  I still have a Pearl Jam bootleg from Atlanta 1994, where Doug Pinnick (singer from King's X), comes out to sing with Eddie on WMA.

In March of the same year, my friend Nick had driven our friend Ryan and I to Philadelphia to see Dream Theater, so this wasn't as big a deal, and wasn't as memorable of a show, but it was still fun.