
"You're right," I said as I walked alone in the cool pre-spring air.

The wind was steady, but not intrusive and the busier than usual path was a never ending trail of people with dogs and teenage girls.

The teenage girls were alone, they weren't with the people.

I seemed to be the only one walking my direction.  No one behind me, no one in front, but I was being passed by couples and triples and strange amorphous groups that had one weird guy in them for a second before he sped up enough to separate himself from the herd.

I made it around the park once, and wanted to go around again, but I had things to do.  I wanted to stay just a little bit longer and wring a little more out of this beautiful day.

The nice days were only just beginning and I was already feeling like I was wasting them.  The guilt would pass, as would the day into night, and then the spring into summer, the summer into fall, and I'd be back where I was.

I was already looking froward to this day next year. 

So much promise and so little time.